1. Increase material strength
The 650.61 doors are made from 25x25 SHS (square hollow section), however the 650.37 shed doors with their 35x35 SHS are stronger and more durable.
2. Power coated addition
The 650.61 is a raw galvanised product, where as the 650.37's 35x35 tube is now powder coated grey, to match Bluescope sheets. This also helps protect the welds from rusting.
3. Extra hinge
Upgrading your shed or garage door to a 650.37 will mean an additional industrial hinge. This product now has three hinges rather than two as per the 650.61.
4. Door swing range
In comparison with the 650.37, the 650.61 has a pretty limited 100 degree swing. The 650.37 metal clad door has an increased opening swing of 180 degrees for much better access.
5. Doors in stock
We now hold the 650.37 metal clad shed door in stock, with all colours now ready and waiting to be ordered.