As a business or property owner in NSW, it's important to be aware of the regulatory requirements for doors. This includes compliance with standards for the design, manufacture, installation and maintenance of your industrial and commercial personal access door.
The regulatory requirements for doors can be complex and confusing. However, failure to comply with the relevant regulations can have serious consequences. That's why it's important to seek expert advice when specifying, installing or maintaining doors at your premises.
At Larnec Doors, we have over 30 years of experience in the door industry. We can advise you on all aspects of door compliance, including the regulatory requirements that apply to your specific situation.
Read on to learn more about the sometimes complicated regulatory requirements in NSW, and you’ll find handy links where you can find out more. We’ll be taking a closer look at the following commercial and industrial access door regulations:
- Shed & Garage Door Regulations
- Commercial Door Regulations
- Industrial Door Regulations
- Container Door Regulations
- Transportable Door Regulations
New South Wales Door Compliance
In New South Wales, the design and construction of commercial and industrial doors are regulated by a number of different governing bodies, legislation, Australian Standards and guidelines.
The most important of these is The Design and Building Practitioners Regulations 2020 (NSW), which came into effect on 1 September 2020 and the National Construction Code.
Several additional regulations apply to doors in NSW, depending on their intended use. Here's a quick overview of the main compliance regulations that apply to doors in NSW:
- The Building Code of Australia (BCA)
- Work Health and Safety Act 2011
- Australian Standards
- The Design and Building Practitioners Regulations 2020 (NSW)
- Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2017 (NSW)
If you're unsure which regulations apply to your situation; it's important to seek expert advice. At Larnec Doors, our doors are always open. We can help you understand the compliance requirements for your door installation project and supply a wide range of high-quality, robust doors for commercial, industrial and residential applications.
Don’t risk non-compliance with your commercial or industrial doors. For more information about door compliance in NSW, contact Larnec Doors today.

Building Code of Australia
The NSW Design and Building Practitioners Regulation is in addition to the federal legislation that applies to commercial and industrial doors, which is the Building Code of Australia (BCA). The BCA sets out minimum standards for the design and construction of buildings, including commercial and industrial doors.
In New South Wales, the BCA is adopted by the Building Act 1993 (NSW), and the Building Code of Australia Volume One (BCA-V1) is incorporated into the Act. The Act requires all buildings to be designed and constructed in accordance with the BCA. The requirements of the BCA are mandatory for all designers and builders of commercial and industrial doors in NSW.
The BCA sets out a number of requirements for commercial and industrial doors, including minimum standards for door widths, door heights, clearances, hardware, glazing and finishes. The BCA also requires doors to be designed and constructed to meet the needs of all users, including people with disabilities.
Door Design, Installation & Maintenance
As of 2019, the National Construction Code amendment (NCC) requires that all commercial and industrial doors in New South Wales be:
- A suitable size and type for the purpose for which it is installed
- Designed and constructed to suit the conditions under which it will be used, including wind, weather and seismic loads
- Installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
- Maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
- Used only for the purpose for which it is designed and installed.
- Unmodified unless prior approval of the manufacturer has been obtained
- Not be used as a means of egress from a building in an emergency unless it is specifically designed and installed for that purpose.
In addition to the BCA, NCC and the NSW regulations and amendments, a number of other Australian Standards and guidelines apply to commercial and industrial doors in NSW. These include the following:
- AS 1657:2018 Steel structures
- AS 4100:2020: Steel structures
- AS 1657:2018 Fixed Platforms
- AS 1636.1-1998: Industrial type swing doors - Installation
- Australian Standard for the Uniform Building Control (AS 2124-1992)
Your OH&S Requirements
The Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2017 (NSW) set out a number of requirements for the design, construction and use of commercial and industrial doors. The regulations require all doors to be designed and constructed to minimise the risk of injury to users. The regulations also require doors to be maintained in a safe condition and used in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
In addition to the legislation, standards, guidelines and codes of practice that apply to commercial and industrial doors in NSW, several other regulations may also be relevant, including the Workplace Health and Safety Regulations 2017. It is also important to obtain documents from the door manufacturer before commencing work on the door. These include product specifications, factory drawings and instructions.

Open the doors to easy compliance in New South Wales
The design, installation and maintenance of doors are crucial in protecting you, your staff and visitors from potential risks. The regulations surrounding these topics can be complex, but staying up-to-date with changes will help ensure regulatory compliance, keeping your business safe and your doors open for business.
Doors are essential to any commercial or industrial building's safety and security system. They provide access for people and goods in transportation modes like trucking or shipping containers. A properly manufactured and installed door will also protect you against fire by limiting how much smoke can enter a facility (and therefore decreasing its potential damage).
NSW Shed & Garage Door Regulations
In New South Wales, all commercial and industrial shed and garage doors must comply with the relevant codes of practice. These standards, legislations and regulations are in place to ensure the safety of users and pedestrians and to minimise the risk of injury or damage.
The regulations state that all commercial and industrial garage and shed doors must be:
- Constructed from materials that are resistant to fire, corrosion and impact
- Equipped with a means of egress in case of emergency
- Inspected and maintained regularly
- Labelled with the maximum weight that the door can support
Additionally, all doors must be fitted with appropriate safety devices, such as:
- Automatic closing devices
- Emergency release mechanisms
- Impact-resistant edges

NSW Commercial Door Regulations
Several regulations, legislations, standards and recommendations apply to commercial doors in New South Wales. These include the Building Code of Australia (BCA), the Australian Standard and the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation 2001.
Commercial door regulations are designed to protect both workers and customers in commercial areas, including:
- Factories
- Warehouses
- Shopping centres
- Processing facilities
- Other commercial settings
These regulations cover all aspects of commercial door manufacture, installation, maintenance and repairs.
New South Wales commercial door regulations stipulate that all doors installed in the state must be made from strong, durable materials and meet relevant fire safety standards. They also need appropriate hardware for their intended use.
Commercial doors must be installed by a qualified installer who ensures that they are properly secured and tested before being used to ensure safety. It's also important that they are regularly maintained and inspected and that any defects or damage are repaired immediately.
NSW Industrial Door Regulations
Industrial doors are designed and constructed for use in heavy industrial settings. Given the potentially high risks of these environments, the manufacture, installation and maintenance of industrial doors are heavily regulated.
Industrial door regulation in New South Wales is governed by the Work Health and Safety Act 2011. This Act requires business owners and managers to take all reasonably practicable steps to ensure the health and safety of employees, customers and the general public.
When it comes to industrial doors, this means ensuring that they are:
- Properly maintained and fit for purpose
- Able to open and close safely and smoothly, without any sudden jolts or jerks
- Fitted with appropriate safety devices, such as door sensors and emergency stop buttons
- Made from strong and durable materials, such as steel or aluminium.
- Have hardware designed for use on industrial doorways that can withstand the rigorous conditions found in an industry setting

NSW Container Door Regulations
In New South Wales, there are a number of codes that apply to shipping container doors. Business owners and property managers must be aware of strict regulations when modifying or installing new doors on shipping containers or risk hefty fines.
Shipping containers are regulated under the Shipping Registration Act 1993 and the Shipping Safety Regulation 2013. These Acts set out the requirements for the registration and inspection of shipping containers. Shipping containers must also comply with the Australian Standard for Shipping Containers (AS4332-2004).
Two modifications to shipping container doors can be made: door conversions and door additions.
Door conversions involve permanently altering the door opening of a shipping container so that it can no longer be used for its original purpose. For example, converting a shipping container door into a window. Door conversions can only be carried out by a registered shipping container modifier.
Door additions involve permanently attaching additional doors to a shipping container, such as an external door to a shipping container that does not have one. Door additions can only be carried out by a registered shipping container modifier.
When carrying out any modifications to shipping containers, it is important to ensure that the work is carried out by a qualified and experienced professional. Shipping containers are strong and sturdy structures; however, they are also very heavy and can be dangerous if not handled correctly.
If you are unsure about any aspect of the work being carried out, we recommend that you speak to the modifier or installer before the work begins.

NSW Transportable Door Regulations
In New South Wales, there are a number of regulations, laws and standards that apply to transportable building doors. Here is a brief overview of some of the key ones:
The Building Code of Australia (BCA) sets out the minimum standards for the construction of buildings in Australia. All portable and transportable buildings must comply with the relevant provisions of the BCA.
The Australian Standard AS 4456-2004 – portable and transportable buildings – provides guidance on the design, manufacture, testing and commissioning of portable and transportable buildings. It applies to all portable and transportable buildings, regardless of their intended use or occupancy.
The Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000 (NSW) requires businesses to ensure the health and safety of their employees, customers and others who may be affected by their business activities. This includes providing a safe working environment and ensuring that plant and equipment are properly maintained.
If you plan to use portable or transportable buildings on your construction site, it is important to ensure that they comply with all relevant regulations, laws and standards.
Handy Links for Commercial and Industrial Door Compliance Across Australia
Confused? Open the door to expert advice from Larnec Doors
As a business or property owner in New South Wales, it is your responsibility to ensure that your commercial and industrial doors comply with the relevant regulations. However, that can be a great task with the vast array of governing bodies and continual amendments to codes, laws and regulations.
Researching all the regulations, laws, and standards is enough to give anyone a headache. And, with the potential for huge penalties and fines issued for non-compliance, why take the risk with your business?
Take the stress out of compliance with help from the friendly team at Larnec Doors. We can provide your business with helpful advice on NSW-complaint doors and keep you, your team, your property and the general public safe and protected.

Trust Australia’s Premier Personal Access Door Supplier To Help You Comply
If you are unsure if your transportable door complies with the regulations, call Larnec Doors.
Larnec Doors is a leading manufacturer of commercial and industrial access doors in Australia, serving businesses across the country for over 30 years. All Larnec products comply with the strict NSW and Australian regulations, standards and codes.
Choose from an exceptional range of Australian-made products, including our Stable Door For Barns and our market-leading wind-rated certified P.A door for domestic sheds and garages. We can also customise our doors to meet your specific requirements.